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To my beautiful customers,
I write this from my laptop on my bed. Its March 26 ,10 am Normally at this time I would either be in my studio designing with my team or checking in at my store in Wheatley Plaza. But not today…not yesterday and not tomorrow. It’s been over a week since the shut down in New York and life has changed. The first few days were a whirlwind. I had the cable news channels blasting pretty much 24/7 and yes I would fall asleep with the TV on and wake up in the early hours of the morning reaching for my phone to check if this virus had miraculously disappeared and that this was all a bad dream But this was not to be the case. Here in NY the curve is only getting worse and we seem to be still on the incline…wearily climbing up. Sadly, they are saying that the rest of the country is climbing too. I listen to my governor religiously at 11 am daily … hopeful and grateful that I am surrounded by my family and that thus far we are safe and healthy.
Yes, I am hopeful. This will eventually pass. We are always in constant movement and nothing stays the same. I am grateful to see humanity at its best. Our healthcare workers are our heroes and I am simply in awe as I listen to their stories and sacrifices on the front line. We will emerge from this with gratitude and a sense of wonderment in everything we previously took for granted. So, my friends stay thankful and grateful and most of all safe and healthy
I am thinking of all of you!